14/03 - 16/03/2019

On the occasion of BIM BAM 2019, the first work group workshop of Mapping took place.

The Image work group, led by Uroš Korenčan from Lutkovno gledališče Ljubljana, includes artists from Teatro Paraíso, Teatr Animaczy and Théâtre de la Guimbarde.
For this first meeting, the group decided to host a workshop, “Moving image in space”, by a visual artist: Kalle Nio, from Finland. His work is a combination of magic, visual arts, cinema, art-history, circus and theatre. In his stage performances and cinematic installations, he is an inventor, performer and a researcher creating encounters between past and the present, between magic and visual arts, between the high arts and the sideshows, between craft and technology, between real and illusions. Visual theatre that uses stage magic, video projections and surround sound as its means of expression. Kalle Nio introduced to the workshop participants different ways of using video projections, basic knowledge on digital tools and several variations of their use in the the­atre.

The next appointment for Image work group will be in Stockholm in October 2020.


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